Meet the Team


Tiffany Green

Credentials: PhD

Position title: Director; Associate Professor

Pronouns: she/her

Dr. Tiffany Green is a nationally recognized economist, population health scientist, and science communicator whose mission is to reduce and eliminate racial/ethnic inequities in reproductive health.

Klaira Lerma

Credentials: MPH

Position title: Associate Director

Pronouns: she/her

Klaira Lerma is a public health researcher with over 12 years of experience in reproductive health, rights, and justice. Klaira’s research focuses on reproductive health, particularly abortion and contraception. She investigates barriers to accessing preferred contraception, the impact of legislation on abortion access, and innovative service delivery methods. Her work also explores clients’ perceptions of and experiences with reproductive health services, emphasizing person-centered care.

Laura Swan

Credentials: PhD, LCSW

Position title: Senior Research Scientist

Pronouns: she/her

Dr. Laura Swan is a social worker and public health researcher whose work is focused on improving reproductive health equity and increasing access to contraception and abortion, with an emphasis on eliminating discrimination and coercion in care.


Lindsay Cannon

Credentials: MSW, MPH

Position title: Graduate Research Assistant

Pronouns: she/her

Lindsay Cannon is a sociologist and demographer with research interests in health and gender. Her mixed methods research focuses on reproductive health and gender-based violence, applying trauma-informed, survivor-centered, and reproductive justice frameworks. In REAL, Lindsay works on projects related to contraceptive coercion by healthcare providers and reproductive coercion from intimate partners.

Dana Johnson

Credentials: PhD

Pronouns: she/her

Dr. Dana Johnson is a Postdoctoral Trainee in the Health Disparities Research Scholars (HDRS) Program at the University of Wisconsin-Madison's Department of Population Health Sciences.

Frank Lewis

Credentials: MSW

Position title: Research Coordinator

Pronouns: he/him

Frank Lewis supports the Birth Cost Recovery research project. He conducts interviews with Black parents who are impacted by the Wisconsin policy.

Frania Mendoza Lua

Credentials: PhD, MSW

Position title: Affiliated Postdoctoral Researcher

Pronouns: she/her

Dr. Frania Mendoza Lua is a Postdoctoral Trainee in the Health Disparities Research Scholars (HDRS) Program at the University of Wisconsin-Madison's Department of Population Health Sciences.

Mikaela Miller

Credentials: BA

Position title: Research Coordinator

Pronouns: she/her

Mikaela Miller supports the Birth Cost Recovery research project. She conducts interviews with Black parents who are impacted by the Wisconsin policy. She also supports qualitative coding and analysis on the project.

Emma Romell

Credentials: MS

Position title: Graduate Research Assistant

Pronouns: she/her

Emma Romell is a sociologist and demographer with wide ranging interests in inequality. Her research spans topics including family structure and family relationships, health disparities, and education. In REAL, she supports the abortion mandatory waiting periods and birth cost recovery projects.

Eva Strelitz-Block

Credentials: BA

Position title: Research Coordinator

Pronouns: she/her

Eva Strelitz-Block supports qualitative coding and analysis on the Birth Cost Recovery project.

Julia Thomas

Credentials: MS

Position title: Graduate Research Assistant

Pronouns: she/her

Julia is a Ph.D. Candidate in the Department of Sociology and a predoctoral affiliate of the Center for Demography and Ecology at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. Her work focuses on the evolution and maintenance of historical regimes of racialized social control in the United States and racial and ethnic inequality with an emphasis on the contemporary criminal-legal system using a quantitative and interdisciplinary approach.

Brittanni N. Wright

Credentials: PhD, MDiv, MPH

Position title: Affiliated Postdoctoral Researcher

Pronouns: she/her

Dr. Brittanni N. Wright is a Postdoctoral Trainee in the Health Disparities Research Scholars (HDRS) Program at the University of Wisconsin-Madison's Department of Population Health Sciences.