Featured Publications
Key Takeaways: This study examined reproductive coercion among 387 emerging adults, focusing on both heterosexual and sexual minority individuals. Results showed 6.3% of participants experienced reproductive coercion, with significantly higher prevalence among sexual minorities (8.7%) and plurisexual individuals (13%). The study revealed associations between reproductive coercion and poor behavioral health outcomes, including increased symptoms of anxiety, depression, and alcohol use. Sexual attraction emerged as a key risk factor, with individuals attracted to multiple genders facing the highest risks. Findings highlight the intersection of intimate partner violence and sexual orientation, underscoring the need for targeted interventions and further research.
Lab Author:
Dr. Laura Swan
Key Takeaways: This study evaluated racial disparities in post-operative pain management following cesarean births, revealing that non-Hispanic Black and Hispanic birthing persons reported higher pain scores compared to non-Hispanic White counterparts. Despite higher pain levels, Black individuals did not receive increased opioid doses, while Hispanic birthing persons showed similar opioid use. Non-Hispanic Asian individuals reported comparable pain scores to Whites but received lower opioid doses. These disparities, persisting even after controlling for confounding factors, highlight inequities in pain management for birthing persons of color and underscore the need for equitable and patient-centered approaches in post-operative care.
Lab Author:
Dr. Tiffany Green
Key Takeaways: This article explores the potential of artificial intelligence (AI) to address disparities in obstetrics, maternal–fetal medicine, and neonatology. While AI promises to enhance diagnostic precision and clinical decision-making, biases in its design may perpetuate inequities. Key challenges include integrating diverse datasets, ensuring equity in AI tools, and avoiding the intensification of existing disparities. The authors advocate for multidisciplinary collaboration, ethical oversight, and community involvement to mitigate systemic biases. Equitable AI holds transformative potential for perinatal care but requires robust safeguards and continuous evaluation to ensure it supports marginalized populations effectively.
Lab Author:
Dr. Tiffany Green
Reproductive Health Publication Archive
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Reproductive Health Publications -- Coercion
- Swan LET, Goffnett J, Pless J, Andrews T. | 2023 | Journal of Interpersonal Violence
Validation of the short-form reproductive coercion scale with Appalachian women
- Swan LET, Hales T, Ely GE, Auerbach SL, Agbemenu K. | 2021 | Contraception
Reproductive coercion and interpersonal violence victimization experiences among college students
- Swan LET, Mennicke A, Kim Y. | 2021 | Journal of Interpersonal Violence
- Swan, LET, Mennicke, A, Magnuson, A, & MacConnie, L. | 2021 | Journal of Aggression, Maltreatment & Trauma
Reproductive Health Publications -- Service Delivery
Equitable artificial intelligence in obstetrics, maternal-fetal medicine, and neonatology
- McAdams RM, Green TL. | 2024 | Obstetrics & Gynecology
Mistreatment in health care among women in Appalachia
- Alspaugh A, Swan LET, Auerbach SL, Bartmess M, Agbemenu K, Ely GE. | 2023 | Culture, Health & Sexuality
Service delivery at Title X sites in Texas during the COVID-19 pandemic
- Burke KL, Sierra G, Lerma K, White K. | 2022 | Perspectives on Sexual and Reproductive Health
Publicly funded family planning organizations’ response to the COVID-19 pandemic in Texas
- Lerma K, Carpenter E, Chatillon A, White K. | 2023 | Women’s Health Issues
- Swan LET, Auerbach SL, Ely GE, Agbemenu K, Mencia J, Araf NR. | 2020 | International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health
Reproductive Health Publications -- Prenatal & Postpartum
Racial disparities in post-operative pain experience and treatment following cesarean birth
- Poehlmann JR, Avery G, Antony KM, Broman AT, Godecker A, Green TL. | 2022 | The Journal of Maternal-Fetal & Neonatal Medicine
Source of prenatal care and nonreceipt of postpartum health care in the United States
- Gondwe T, Simuzingili M, Green TL. | 2022 | Journal of Women’s Health
- Green TL, Son YK, Simuzingili M, Mezuk B, Bodas M, Hagiwara N. | 2021 | Journal of Women’s Health
Disparities in self-reported prenatal counseling: Does immigrant status matter?
- Green TL, Bodas MV, Jones HA, Masho SW, Hagiwara N. | 2018 | Journal of Community Health
- Do EK, Green TL, Prom-Wormley EC, Fuemmeler BF. | 2018 | Preventive Medicine Reports
- Jones HA, Eddy LD, Bourchtein E, Parks AM, Green TL, Karjane NW, Svikis DS. | 2018 | Journal of Women’s Health
Reproductive Health -- International
- Masiano SP, Kawende B, Ravelomanana NLR, Green TL, Dahman B, Thirumurthy H, Kimmel AD, Yotebieng M. | 2023 | Social Science & Medicine
- Swan LET, Henry RS, Smith ER, Aguayo Arelis A, Rabago Barajas BV, Perrin PB. | 2021 | Journal of Interpersonal Violence
- Kalamar A, Bixiones C, Jaworski G, Lerma K, Mwansa M, Lawreh R, Adjei S. | 2021 | Sexual and Reproductive Health Matters
- Im, H, Swan, LET, & Heaton, L. | 2020 | Women & Health
- Masiano SP, Green TL, Dahman B, Kimmel AD. | 2019 | Social Science & Medicine
- Lerma K, Reyes G, Tiwari S, Tewari A, Hastings C, Blumenthal PD. | 2018 | International Journal of Gynecology & Obstetrics
- Blumenthal PD, Chakraborty NM, Prager S, Gupta P, Lerma K, Vwalika B. | 2016 | The European Journal of Contraception & Reproductive Health Care